Transforming PHC Through Primary Care Networks

Supporting global efforts to design and implement primary care networks to strengthen PHC
Supporting global efforts to design and implement primary care networks to strengthen PHC
At the conclusion of the first implementation learning phase, there was demand from the community for continued implementation learning support with a focus on innovative solutions to strengthen PHC. In response, the third phase of the PHCPI Learning Exchange (March – November 2022) focused on the implementation and measurement of primary care networks (PCNs) as a method of strengthening PHC financing and delivery.
This final phase of the Learning Exchange pivoted to give more tailored attention to specific implementation challenges facing participants. The Exchange again focused on three implementation cases, supported by a technical facilitation team through a series of monthly learning checks and bi-monthly virtual exchanges. But in this phase, peer learners were assigned to closely follow and engage more deeply with one of the IC teams and their work by participating in their monthly Learning Checks. In previous phases, peer learners only attended the bi-monthly Learning Exchange events; this adapted implementation learning model allowed for increased opportunities for learners and IC teams to share ideas, ask questions, and brainstorm.
The three implementation cases in this phase were:
A full Learning Brief detailing the work completed in the final phase of the Learning Exchange can be accessed in English or Spanish. Explore the main sections of the Learning Brief using the links below.