PHC in the News

Spread the Word on Universal Health Coverage Day: Digital Toolkit

On Monday, December 12, the world will recognize Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day. Use our Digital Toolkit and share the graphics below to spread the word about why primary health care is the fastest, cheapest, most efficient way to reach UHC.


Shareable Graphic: Primary Health Care Can Manage 90% of Health Needs

Primary health care meets 90% of health needs


Shareable Graphic: When PHC is expensive, it forces families to make impossible choices. How could you choose?

When primary health care is expensive, it forces families to make impossible choices


Shareable Graphic: Have you checked your country's Vital Signs?

PHCPI Vital Signs check on the health of your country's PHC system


Video: Always Safe When I'm With Her - Primary Health Care in Ghana

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Video link:


Video: Measure What Matters - Data to Improve PHC in Ghana

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Video link: